
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

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Nestle 1904 GNT - Features (grouped by node type)

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In Text-Fabric ‘features’ provide a mapping of nodes of a specific type to its associated additional information. This Text-Fabric dataset contains the following node types:

All node features are listed below grouped by node type:

Word nodes

The word nodes represents individual word in the corpus. The features associated with this node type are used in both the wg-view and the syntax-view.

In addition to the features listed below, there are approximately forty optional features available for word nodes. These can be loaded as a module if desired.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
after Orthograpic Node String All material found after a word . ;
before Orthograpic Node String Text-critical signs before word [ (
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Matthew MarkRevelation
bookshort Sectional Node String Book name (abbreviated) MAT MARREV
case Morphological Node String Gramatical case nominative genitive vocative
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 5 7
cls Syntactic Node String Word class: Part of Speech noun verb
criticalsign Orthograpic Node String Text-critical signs ( [ ) ]
degree Morphological Node String Degree of an adjective comparative superlative
discontinuous Syntactic Node String Discontinuous information 1
domain Semantic Node String Lexical domain according to Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Greek, SDBG 033006
frame Semantic Edge String Semantic Role Labeling (reference to id of subject, object or idirect object) A0 A1
framespec Semantic Node String Semantic Role Labeling (reference to id of subject, object or idirect object) A0:n00000000000 A1:n00000000000
function Syntactic Node String Syntactic function Pred Subj
gender Morphological Node String Gramatical gender masculine feminine neuter
gloss Lexical Node String English gloss and, also, likewise the
id Lexical Node String Unique identifier of a word n40001001001
lemma Lexical Node String Lexical lemma (cf. BDAG) αὐτός λέγω
lemmatranslit Lexical Node String Transliteration of the word lemma αὐτός λέγω
ln Semantic Node String Louw-Nida lexical classification of semantic domains 93.169a
morph Morphological Node String Morphological tag (Sandborg-Petersen morphology) V-PAI-3S PREP N-GSM
mood Morphological Node String Gramatical mood of a verb indicative optative
nodeid Sectional Node String Reference to wg, clause, or sentence 400010200010490
normalized Orthograpic Node String Normalized form of the surface text πρὸς
note Semantic Node String Annotation of linguistic nature discontinuous discourse
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: word in verse) 1 2
number Morphological Node String Gramatical number of the verb singular plural
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp Node String Maps node number to objecttype word
parent Sectional Edge String Link to parent node  
person Morphological Node String Gramatical person of the verb p1 p2 p3
punctuation Orthograpic Node String Punctuation ` ` .
ref Sectional Node String Unique identity of a word 1CO 10:1!1
sp Syntactic Node String Part of Speech verb pron intj
strong Lexical Node Integer Strong’s number 5547
unicode Orthograpic Node String Word in unicode format Λόγος Θεόν,
sibling Relational Node word Sibling relationship between words  
subjref Semantic Edge word Subject reference  
subjrefspec Semantic Node String Subject reference (to nodeID in XML source data) n40006028008
tense Morphological Node String Gramatical tense of the verb present aorist
text Orthograpic Node String Word as it appears in the text εὐαγγέλιον
trailer Orthograpic Node String Material after the end of the word (excluding critical signs) .
trans Lexical Node String English translation (cf. Berean Study Bible) of the to them
translit Orthograpic Node String Transliteration of the Greek word surface text estin auton
typems Morphological Node String Gramatical type of noun or pronoun common personal
unaccent Orthograpic Node String Surface word stripped of accents and diacritical markers εστιν αυτον
unicode Orthograpic Node String Word in unicode format Λόγος Θεόν,
variant Lexical Node String Lexical variant 1 2
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter 1 4
voice Morphological Node String Gramatical voice of the verb active passive middle

Wordgroup nodes

The wg nodes represents a group of words and/or wordgroups forming a cohesive unit. This node type is only associated with the wg-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
appositioncontainer Syntactic Node String Indicates whether the word group contains an apposition 1
articular Syntactic Node Integer Indicates if wordgroup contains an article 1
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Matthew MarkRevelation
bookshort Sectional Node String Book name (abbreviated) MAT MARREV
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 5 7
clausetype Syntactic Node String Clause type information normalized
cls Syntactic Node String WordGroup class np cl
cltype Syntactic Node String Clause type information Verbless VerbElided
function Syntactic Node String Syntactic function Pred Subj
junction Syntactic Node String Junction details coordinate subordinate
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: wordgroup in book) 1 2
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp String Node Maps node number to objecttype wg
parent Sectional Edge String Link to parent node  
rela Syntactic Node String Appostion information Appo
role Syntactic Node String Role wordgroup s o apposition
rule Syntactic Node String Syntactic rule ClCl ClCl2
typ Syntactic Node String syntactic labels for textual elements NP AdjP
typems Syntactic Node String Clause type Verbless VerbElided
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter where this item begins 1 4

Subphrase nodes

Note: this node type is only associated with the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
appositioncontainer Syntactic Node Integer Indicates whether the subphrase contains an apposition 1
articular Syntactic Node Integer Indicates if subphrase contains an article 1
after Orthograpic Node String All material found after a word . ;
before Orthograpic Node String Text-critical signs before word [ (
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Matthew MarkRevelation
case Morphological Node String Gramatical case nominative genitive vocative
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 5 7
cls Syntactic Node String Class of the subphrase np cl
criticalsign Orthograpic Node String text-critical signs ( [ ) ]
degree Morphological Node String Degree of an adjective comparative superlative
discontinuous Syntactic Node String Discontinuous information 1
domain Semantic Node String Lexical domain according to Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Greek, SDBG 033006
framespec Semantic Node String Semantic Role Labeling (reference to id of subject, object or idirect object) A0:n00000000000 A1:n00000000000
function Syntactic Node String this is XML attribute function Pred Subj
gender Morphological Node String Gramatical gender masculine feminine neuter
gloss Lexical Node String English gloss and, also, likewise the
id Lexical Node String Unique identifier of a word n40001001001
junction Syntactic Node String Junction coordinate subordinate
lemma Lexical Node String Lexical lemma (cf. BDAG) αὐτός λέγω
lemmatranslit Lexical Node String Transliteration of the word lemma autos lego
ln Semantic Node String Louw-Nida lexical classification of semantic domains 93.169a
mood Morphological Node String Gramatical mood of a verb indicative optative
morph Morphological Node String morphological code CONJ PREP
normalized Orthograpic Node String Surface word stripped of punctations  
note Semantic Node String Annotation of linguistic nature discontinuous discourse
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: subphrase in book) 1 2
number Morphological Node String Gramatical number of the verb singular plural
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp Node String Maps node number to objecttype subphrase
person Morphological Node String Gramatical person of the verb p1 p2 p3
punctuation Orthograpic Node String Punctuation .
ref Sectional Node String Unique identity of a word 1CO 10:1!1
rule Syntactic Node String Syntactic rule ClCl ClCl2
sp Syntactic Node String Part of Speech verb pron intj
tense Morphological Node String Gramatical tense of the verb present aorist
text Orthograpic Node String Word as it appears in the text  
trans Lexical Node String English translation (cf. Berean Study Bible) of the to them
translit Orthograpic Node String Transliteration of the Greek word surface text estin auton
trailer Orthograpic Node String Material after the end of the word (excluding critical signs) .
typ Syntactic Node String syntactic labels for textual elements NP AdjP
typems Morphological Node String Gramatical type of noun or pronoun common personal
unaccent Orthograpic Node String Surface word stripped of accents and diacritical markers εστιν αυτον
unicode Orthograpic Node String Word in unicode format Λόγος Θεόν,
variant Lexical Node String Lexical variant 1 2
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter where this item begins 1 4
voice Morphological Node String Gramatical voice of the verb active passive middle

Phrase nodes

Note: this node type is only associated with the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
after Orthograpic Node String All material found after a word . ; ` `
appositioncontainer Syntactic Node Integer appositioncontainer 1
articular Syntactic Node Integer Indicates whether the phrase contains an apposition 1
before Orthograpic Node String Text-critical signs before word [ (
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Matthew MarkRevelation
case Morphological Node String Gramatical case nominative genitive vocative
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 5 7
cls Syntactic Node String Class of the phrase np cl
criticalsign Orthograpic Node String text-critical signs ( [ ) ]
degree Morphological Node String Degree of an adjective comparative superlative
discontinuous Syntactic Node String Discontinuous information 1
domain Semantic Node String Lexical domain according to Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Greek, SDBG 033006
framespec Semantic Node String Semantic Role Labeling (reference to id of subject, object or idirect object) A0:n00000000000 A1:n00000000000
function Syntactic Node String this is XML attribute function Pred Subj
gender Morphological Node String Gramatical gender masculine feminine neuter
gloss Lexical Node String English gloss and, also, likewise the
id Lexical Node String Unique identifier of a word n40001001001
junction Syntactic Node String Junction coordinate subordinate
lemma Lexical Node String Lexical lemma (cf. BDAG) αὐτός λέγω
lemmatranslit Lexical Node String Transliteration of the word lemma autos lego
ln Semantic Node String Louw-Nida lexical classification of semantic domains 93.169a
note Semantic Node String Annotation of linguistic nature discontinuous discourse
mood Morphological Node String Gramatical mood of a verb indicative optative
morph Morphological Node String morphological code CONJ PREP
normalized Orthograpic Node String Surface word stripped of punctations  
note Semantic Node String Annotation of linguistic nature discontinuous discourse
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: phrase in book) 1 2
number Morphological Node String Gramatical number of the verb singular plural
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp Node String Maps node number to objecttype phrase
person Morphological Node String Gramatical person of the verb p1 p2 p3
punctuation Orthograpic Node String Punctuation .
ref Sectional Node Node Unique identity of a word 1CO 10:1!1
rule Syntactic Node String Syntactic rule ClCl ClCl2
sp Syntactic Node String Part of Speech verb pron intj
tense Morphological Node String Gramatical tense of the verb present aorist
text Orthograpic Node String Word as it appears in the text  
trans Lexical Node String English translation (cf. Berean Study Bible) of the to them
translit Orthograpic Node String Transliteration of the Greek word surface text estin auton
trailer Orthograpic Node String Material after the end of the word (excluding critical signs) .
typ Syntactic Node String syntactic labels for textual elements NP AdjP
typems Morphological Node String Gramatical type of noun or pronoun common personal
unaccent Orthograpic Node String Surface word stripped of accents and diacritical markers εστιν αυτον
unicode Orthograpic Node String Word in unicode format Λόγος Θεόν,
variant Lexical Node String Lexical variant 1 2
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter where this item begins 1 4
voice Morphological Node String Gramatical voice of the verb active passive middle

Clause nodes

Note: this node type is only associated with the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
articular Syntactic Node Integer Indicates if wordgroup contains an article 1
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Luke MatthewRevelation
bookshort Sectional Node String Book name (abbreviated) MAT MARREV
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 5 7
clausetype Syntactic Node String Clause type information normalized
cls Syntactic Node String Class of the clause np cl
cltype Syntactic Node String Clause type information Verbless VerbElided
function Syntactic Node String this is XML attribute function Pred Subj
junction Syntactic Node String Junction coordinate subordinate
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: clause in book) 1 2
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp Node String Maps node number to objecttype clause
role Syntactic Node String Role wordgroup s o apposition
rule Syntactic Node String Syntactic rule ClCl ClCl2
typ Syntactic Node String syntactic labels for textual elements NP AdjP
typems Morphological Node String Gramatical type of noun or pronoun common personal
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter where this item begins 1 4

Group nodes

Note: thes node type is only associated with the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
articular Syntactic Node Integer Indicates if wordgroup contains an article 1
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Luke MatthewRevelation
bookshort Sectional Node String Book name (abbreviated) MAT MARREV
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 5 7
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: group in book) 1 2
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp String Node Maps node number to objecttype group
typems Morphological Node String Gramatical type of group conjuncted
role Syntactic Node String Role wordgroup s o apposition
rule Syntactic Node String Syntactic rule ClCl ClCl2
typ Syntactic Node String syntactic labels for textual elements NP AdjP
typems Morphological Node String Gramatical type of noun or pronoun common personal
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter where this item begins 1 4

Sentence nodes

The sentence nodes represents individual sentences in the corpus. This node type is associated with both the wg-view and the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
articular Syntactic Node Integer Indicates if wordgroup contains an article 1
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Galatians
bookshort Sectional Node String Book name (abbreviated) MAT MARREV
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 5 7
clausetype Syntactic Node String Clause type information normalized
cls Syntactic Node String WordGroup class np cl
cltype Syntactic Node String Clause type information Verbless VerbElided
function Syntactic Node String this is XML attribute function Pred Subj
junction Syntactic Node String Junction coordinate subordinate
nodeid Sectional Node String Reference to wg, clause, or sentence 400010200010490
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: sentence in book) 1 2
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp String Node mapping between node number and associated objecttype sentence
parent Sectional Edge String Link to parent node  
role Syntactic Node String Role wordgroup s o apposition
rule Syntactic Node String Syntactic rule ClCl ClCl2
typems Morphological Node String Gramatical type of noun or pronoun common personal
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter where this item begins 1 4

Verse nodes

The verse nodes represents individual versus in the corpus. This node type is associated with both the wg-view and the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Luke MatthewRevelation
chapter Sectional Node Integer Chapter number inside book 1 2
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp Node String Maps node number to objecttype verse
verse Sectional Node Integer Verse number inside chapter 1 4

Chapter nodes

The chapter nodes represents individual chapters in the corpus. This node type is associated with both the wg-view and the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Luke MatthewRevelation
chapter Sectional Node String Chapter 1 2
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp Node String Maps node number to objecttype chapter

Book nodes

The book nodes represents individual books in the corpus. This node type is associated with both the wg-view and the syntax-view.

Feature Feature group Feature type Data type Short description Examples
book Sectional Node String Book name (full) Luke MatthewRevelation
bookshort Sectional Node String Book name (abbreviated) LUK ACT
lang Orthograpic Node String Language of the corpus el
num Sectional Node Integer Sequence number (here: book number) 1 226
oslots Warp Edge String Represents set of slots associated with an object 1 1-11 2010-2015,2020-2030
otype Warp Node String Maps node number to objecttype book

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