
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

About this dataset
Optional features
Latest release

Nestle 1904 GNT - Feature: function

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Used by viewtypes
Syntactic Node String Sentence Clause wg phrase subphrase word syntax-view

Feature description

The function feature describes the syntactic functions of words, groups of words (phrases, clauses, etc.), or the composition of (sub)sentences.

This feature mimicks BHSA nomenclature for feature function and is designed to be used in the syntax-view.

Feature values

The values of this feature consist of one or more of the following functions:

Value Description
Pred Predicate
Cmpl Complement
Objc Object
Subj Subject
PreC Predicate-Complement

Frequency for nodetype sentence

Value Occurences1
Pred-Obj 51
Subj-PreC-PreC 42
Cmpl-Pred 38
Cmpl-Pred-Obj 34
Subj-PreC 29
PreC-Subj 28
Subj-Cmpl 23
Pred-Obj-Cmpl 22
Subj-Pred-Obj 20
Pred-Obj-Subj 19

1 Only the first 10 items are shown in this list.

Frequency for nodetype clause

Value Occurences2
Pred-Obj 2675
Pred-Cmpl 1897
Cmpl-Pred 1147
Obj-Pred 1065
Cmpl-Pred-Obj 650
Subj-Pred 626
Pred-Subj 603
Pred-Obj-Cmpl 596
Subj-PreC-PreC 595
PreC-PreC 554

2 Only the first 10 items are shown in this list.

Frequency for nodetype wg

Value Occurences
Cmpl 11056
Subj 5740
Objc 4524
Pred-Obj 2726
Pred-Cmpl 1909
PreC 1610
Cmpl-Pred 1185
Obj-Pred 1077
Cmpl-Pred-Obj 684
Subj-Pred 639

Frequency for nodetype phrase

Value Occurences
Pred 24767
Cmpl 18608
Subj 10198
Objc 9337
PreC 3514

Frequency for nodetype subphrase

Value Occurences
Pred 24767
Cmpl 18608
Subj 10198
Objc 9337
PreC 3514

Frequency for nodetype word

Value Occurences
Pred 24767
Cmpl 7552
Objc 4813
Subj 4458
PreC 1904

See also

The matching feature for use in the wg-view is role.

Source description

This feature is based upon the (optional) XML attribute role of the tag wg (wordgroup) or w (word).

Browse all features by name, node type, data type, feature group or feature type.