
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

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Nestle 1904 GNT - Feature: framespec

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Used by viewtypes
Semantic Node String word subphrase phrase syntax-view wg-view

Feature description

The framespec feature provides the id of the referent of the subject, object, or indirect object. This feature is populated primarily for verbs (24690 out of 24767 occurrences), with a few references for other word types. Its functional equivalent edge feature is frame.

This feature is also populated for phrase or subphrase, but only if they consist of just one word node.

Feature values

This feature contains one or more references to id’s, like in following example:

A0:n63001005005;n63001001007 A1:n63001010014

The labels can be decoded using the following table.

Value Description Frequency
A0 Agent or subject of the action 25654
A1 Direct object or the entity directly affected by the action 15570
A2 Indirect object or secondary entity affected by the action 2577
AA2 Adverbial roles in a sentence 92

The values behind these identifiers are in the following format:

An 'n' followed by a 11-digit unique id in the format
    BB          => zero-padded book, NT starts at 40
      CCC       => zero-padded chapter
         VVV    => zero-padded verse
            WWW => zero-padded word index (instance within the verse)


The following syntactical graphs from Matthew 1:2 and 1:20 serve as demonstration of this feature:

See also the following related features:

Source description

This feature is derived from the (optional) XML attribute frame of the tag w (word). Annotation data originates from Clear Bible.

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