
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

About this dataset
Optional features
Latest release

Nestle 1904 GNT - Feature: cls

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Used by viewtypes
Syntactic Node String word clause wg sentence subphrase phrase wg-view

Feature description

The cls feature provides the part of speech (PoS) for word nodes and the category for other nodes. This feature preserves the source XML nomenclature and is designed to be used in the wg-view.

Feature values

Frequency for nodetype word:

Value Part of Speech Frequency
adj adjective 8452
adv adverb 6147
conj conjunction 18227
det determiner (includes articles) 19786
intj interjection 15
noun noun 28455
num numeral 476
prep preposition 10914
ptcl particle 773
pron pronoun 16177
verb verb 28357

Frequency for nodetype wg (wordgroup) :

Value Phrase Category Frequency
adjp adjectival phrase 168
advp adverbial phrase 166
np nominal phrase 30911
nump numeral phrase 7
pp prepositional phrase 11169
vp verbal phrase 207
adv ? phrase 7
cl ? phrase 30152
conj conjuction phrase 1

Frequency for nodetype phrase :

Value Phrase Category Frequency
verb verbal phrase 24772
np nominal phrase 10935
pp prepositional phrase 9609
pron   8751
adv ? phrase 4390
noun   2822
adj   2304
det determiner 257
advp adverbial phrase 154
ptcl participal phrase 87
adjp adjectival phrase 168

Frequency for nodetype subphrase :

Value Phrase Category Frequency
np noun phrase 30911
noun noun 28455
verb verb 28357
det determiner 19786
conj conjunction 18228
pron pronoun 16177
pp prepositional phrase 11169
prep preposition 10914
adj adjective 8452
adv adverbal 6154

Frequency for nodetype clause :

Value Phrase Category Frequency
cl Clause 28676

Frequency for nodetype sentence :

Value Phrase Category Frequency
cl Clause 1476

See also

The matching feature for use in the syntax-view is sp.


See also the description in MACULA Greek Treebank for the Nestle 1904 Greek New Testament.pdf on page 4 and 5:

Source description

This feature is derived from the XML attribute class of the tags w (word) and wg (wordgroup).

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