
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

About this dataset
Optional features
Latest release

Nestle 1904 GNT - Feature: sp

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Used by viewtypes
Syntactic Node String word subphrase phrase syntax-view


The sp feature provides the part-of-speech (POS), which classifies words based on their function in a sentence.

This feature mimicks BHSA nomenclature for feature function and is designed to be used in the syntax-view.

Feature Values

Frequency for phrase nodes:

Value Description Frequency
verb Verb 27355
pron Pronoun 8751
advb Adverbial 4384
subs Substantive 2822
adjv Adjective 2304
art Article 257
intj Interjection 90
conj Conjunction 85
num Number 25
prep Preposition 4

Frequency for nodetype subphrase:

Value Description Frequency
subs Substantive 28455
verb Verb 28357
art Article 19786
conj Conjunction 18227
pron Pronoun 16177
prep Preposition 10914
adjv Adjective 8452
advb Adverbial 6147
intj Interjection 788
num Number 476

Frequency for word nodes:

Value Description Frequency
subs Substantive 28455
verb Verb 28357
art Article 19786
conj Conjunction 18227
pron Pronoun 16177
prep Preposition 10914
adjv Adjective 8452
advb Adverbial 6147
intj Interjection 788
num Number 476

See also

The matching feature for use in the wg-view is cls.

Source description

The sp feature is based on the modified XML attribute cls of the wg tag.

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