
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

About this dataset
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Nestle 1904 GNT - Feature: punctuation

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Used by viewtypes
Orthograpic Node String word subphrase phrase syntax-view wg-view

Feature description

This feature contains the punctuation character found after a word. If no punctuation, the feature value is empty.

This feature is also populated for phrase or subphrase, but only if they consist of just one word node.

Feature values

For word nodes (used in syntax-view and wg-view):

Value Description Unicode codepoint Frequency
, Comma &#44 9462
. Full Stop &#46 5717
· Midle Dot &#183 2359
; Semicolon &#59 971
<empty> No punctuation   119270

For phrase nodes (used in syntax-view):

Value Description Unicode codepoint Frequency
, Comma &#44 3903
. Full Stop &#46 2731
· Midle Dot &#183 1189
; Semicolon &#59 589
<empty> No punctuation   60595

For subphrase nodes (used in syntax-view):

Value Description Unicode codepoint Frequency
, Comma &#44 9462
. Full Stop &#46 5717
· Midle Dot &#183 2359
; Semicolon &#59 971
<empty> No punctuation   106081


This feature enables easy testing for the presence of punctuation following a word. To retrieve all word nodes without trailing punctuation, use the following snippet:

Query = '''

Results = A.search(Query)

The following image shows the features describing the material found after a word.

The following set of features describe the full surface text:

The following image shows the relation between these features.

The following text-formating options are defined in this dataset using this feature:

     format              level    template
     lex-orig-plain      word     {lemma}{trailer}
     lex-translit-plain  word     {lextranslit}{trailer}
     text-orig-full      word     {before}{text}{after}
     text-orig-plain     word     {text}{trailer}
     text-translit-plain word     {translit}{trailer}
     text-unaccent-plain word     {unaccent}{trailer}

Source description

Calculated from the from XML attribute after of tag w (word).

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