
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

About this dataset
Optional features
Latest release

Nestle 1904 GNT - Feature: otype

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Used by viewtypes
Warp Node String word wg sentence verse chapter book phrase subphrase group clause syntax-view wg-view

Feature description

In Text-Fabric, all objects are represented by nodes. Each node has a dataset-wide unique number and a label. This feature, known as “object type,” maps the node’s numeric value to its label (name).

Feature values

Node names (word, wg, sentence, verse, chapter, book, phrase, subphrase, group, clause).


The two main usages of this feature are:

Generating a list of nodes of a certain type, e.g. verse nodes:

for verse in F.otype.s('verse'):
    "do something with verse nodes"

To determine the node type of a node id, for example node=1 (the first word of Matt. 1:1), the following snippet can be used:

F.otype.v(1)   # the node for the first word in Matt. 1:1
'word'         # result is the node type

For a more comprehensice list of usages for feature otype, see the documentation on special node feature otype.

The information on which object occupies a specific slot is stored in the edge feature oslots.

Source description

The data for this feature is calculated during creation of the Text-Fabric dataset.

Browse all features by name, node type, data type, feature group or feature type.