
Text-Fabric dataset of the Greek New Testament, based on the Nestle 1904 (7th printing) edition.

About this dataset
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Nestle 1904 GNT - Feature: otext

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Used by viewtypes
Warp Config not applicable not applicable syntax-view wg-view

Feature description

This feature contains configuration data for text formatting and corpus segmentation used by the text API.


This feature does not contain node specific data, but contains information that tells Text-Fabric how to produce text strings for slots and the structure of the corpus.

The defined text-formating options for this dataset are:

     format               level   template
     lex-orig-plain       word    {lemma}{punctuation}
     lex-translit-plain   word    {lemmatranslit}{punctuation}
     text-orig-full       word    {before}{text}{after}
     text-orig-plain      word    {text}{punctuation}
     text-translit-plain  word    {translit}{punctuation}
     text-unaccent-plain  word    {unaccent}{punctuation}

The declaretion of section level by feature otext is used to format the output of functions like T.sectionFromNode(node). In this dataset section structure is the three level book, chapter, and verse division of the material.

Source description

This feature is defined during creation of the Text-Fabric dataset.

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